Friday Five: Good reads for #highered

Some recent-ish posts from the higher ed blogging community that I’ve enjoyed reading and thought were worth sharing:

  1. Pay more attention to the attention price you pay. This post by Karine Joly hits home on several levels and is well worth reading by anyone who is struggling with cognitive overload.
  2. Why are we still writing press releases? Tim Nekritz takes on the time-honored tradition of pelting media outlets with “news” they don’t care about and asks if there’s a better way.
  3. Startup U? That’s the question posed by Kyle James, in infographic form, on .eduGuru. Most thought-provoking to me is the idea that “universities that prepare students for a creative economy prioritize the same three things that drive successful startup cultures.”
  4. Why repositioning your brand is like pushing water uphill. Deb Maue of mStoner discusses the challenges of rebranding. “[W]hether you’re a shampoo or a college, brand repositioning is extremely difficult. Why? Because you’re not starting with a blank slate.” Her advice is for universities to “stop wishing they were someone else and embrace what they are.”
  5. How to spot good social media marketing research, by Chris Syme, provides some great tips and resources for finding good social media research products or embarking on your own research project.

Have a good weekend.

Author: andrewcareaga

Former higher ed PR and marketing guy at Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T) now focused on freelance writing and editing and creative writing, fiction and non-fiction.

One thought on “Friday Five: Good reads for #highered”

  1. Always honored to be part of Friday Five. I love Tim’s piece. Sports information directors are just starting to really struggle with this. Many of them turning to less text and more visuals a la infographics.

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